Academic History

University of Bristol

University of Reading

University of Oxford

Career Development

  • 2016:Role Model and table host at the Leadership Foundation’s Aurora 2015-16 programme
  • 2015: Participant at Aurora, Developing future leaders for higher education.
  • 2015-: UK Research Staff Association: South West and Wales Rep.
  • 2014-2016: Geographical Sciences Research Staff Representative.
  • 2015: Demonstrator at the outreach project 'Festival of Nature', Bristol.
  • 2013: Speaker at the Sixth-form Geography Conference (Bristol Branch of the Geographical Association) - Sea levels: Past present and future.
  • 2012: Guest editor at PAGES in Bern, Switzerland. Production of a newsletter for Past4Future.
  • 2012: Shift leader for the outreach project 'Discover' held in the centre of Bristol communicating environmental science to the general public.
  • 2011-: STEM Ambassador.
  • 2011: Demonstrator at the outreach project 'Festival of Nature', Bristol.
  • 2010: Oral prsentation on a 'Career in Academia?' as part of the Western Regional Group of the Geological Society Geoscience Careers Evening, Earth Sciences, University of Bristol.
  • 2009: Oral presentation about carbon capture and storage to the Bristol Radical History Group as part of 'The Enemy Without: Class, Coal and Climate' event
  • 2008-2009: Organiser of bi-weekly research group (BRIDGE) seminar meetings, School of Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol
  • 2007-2009: Student demonstrator on a number of computer-based undergraduate practical classes in the School of Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol
  • 2007-2008: Postgraduate student representative for Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol. Member of the Faculty of Science Board and Graduate Studies Committee
  • 2008: Helper as part of the Sutton Trust Summer School scheme for sixth-form school students from the state sector, School of Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol
  • 2008: Helper as part of the outreach project 'Science Alive', held bi-annually in the centre of Bristol (School of Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol)
  • 2007: Conducted tutorials in Physical Geography for first year undergraduate Geography students, University of Bristol

Summer Schools

  • 2009: Exeter, Bath and Bristol Local GRADSchool, Bristol, UK
  • 2008: QUEST Earth System Science Summer School, Bristol, UK
  • 2007: Summer school on glaciers and ice sheets in the climate system, Karthaus, Italy