In this directory you will find: (1) pmip_hol_lig_gases.txt This is the trace gas values for the PMIP LIG and Holocene transients and LIG snapshots. (2) pmip_gas.pdf This is a figure of the proposed trace gas concentrations for the PMIP LIG and Holocene transients and LIG snashots. It has 6 panels showing 3 trace gases (co2,ch4,n20) and two time periods (Holocene and Last Interglacial). The small crosses show the uninterpolated ice core data. (a) The blue line shows this record linearly interpolated onto 100-year intervals. (b) The green line shows the same as the blue line but with a running 1000-year boxcar smoothing applied. For the holocene, the green (smoothed) line is used. This is because the varibaility in the data is not reproduced in other cores (see e.g. Monnin et al, 2004). For the LIG, the blue (unsmoothed) line is used. This is because the varibaility in the data (and in particular the peak CO2 at around 128.5 ka)is reproduced in other cores (personal communication, Eric Wolff). (3) edc-???-2008.txt These are the original trace gas files downloaded from the WDC for paleoclimatology The CO2 source is Luthi et al (2008), but in fact the data is a composite record (see the file headers). The CH4 source is Loulergue et al (2008). The N2O source is Schilt et al (2010). (4) This is the IDL code I used to make the plots and produce the numbers. (5) orbit_pmip.out This is the orbital values for the PMIP LIG and Holocene transients and LIG snapshots. These were made using the B78 code downloaded from Dependingon your fortran compiler, you may bet answers which differ in the last decimal place.