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Earth Systems Modelling Results

Bristol Research Initiative for the Dynamic Global Environment

with the

University of Reading, Open University, and the British Antarctic Survey.

Model Simulations

Experiment: TCRPB

Famous 4.5.3 deglaciation 21k-20k run on babybluecrystal. Land-sea mask is constructed from ice-5g. Orital forcing and ghg concentrations (CO2, CH4, and N2O) are set to 21.0k values (according to PMIP2). CFC 0, O3 has 3 prescribed modern (not pre-industrial) values are 12 ppbv for the troposphere, 120 ppbv for the tropopause and 900 ppbv for the stratosphere. Freashwater fluxes consist of the modern ice calving flux. The run is initialised with modern values for terrestrial variables and albedo. soil moisture and soil temp are from 21.0k (tcnvb). These are extrapolated onto the new land points. Run starts from a 21k equilibrium run tcole (1000 years long). This is not an accelerated run, job length is 250 yrs.

Brief Description Fuller Description Total Length of Run (in years) Averaging period (in years) Spinup period (in years) CO2 (in ppmv) CH4 (in ppbv) N2O (in ppbv) CFC11 (in pptv) CFC12 (in pptv) Computer used for simulation Compiler used for simulation Date of first entry in datebase Date of most recent modification to entry in database
FAMOUS_4.5.3_21k_PMIP_bigblue Famous 4.5.3, 21.0k. PMIP2 set up, Ice5g topog, land-sea mask and ice-sheet, PMIP GHG values and higher ocean salinity. Should be the LGM control run for the tuning of FAMOUS. This is a copy of tcmul but run on bigblue. As tcrpa1 but using 8/2 processors (tcrpa used 4/2) 250 30 220 185 350 250 0 0 bigblue Intel_v10.1 2509_03_21_17_50 2509_03_21_17_53
You can access the means from this run, by going here
You can access the ocean integrals from this run, by going here

This page shows a small subset of images from this simulation. They have already been produced and there are no optional choices. If you want to do a more detailed examination of the model results, you can go to the main page and select one of the Parts. This will give you full access the system

Summary of Results for Experiment tcrpb


DJF JJA ANN Monthly Variable
Temperature at 2m Spinup: Surface Air Temperature
Precipitation Spinup: Surface Air Temperature - seasonal mean removed
Evaporation Spinup: Deepest layer Soil Moisture
Precipitation-Evaporation Spinup: Deepest layer Soil Moisture - seasonal mean removed
Fractional plant moisture stress BIOME4
Mean sea level pressure BIOME4 with CO2 changes
Surface winds Warm Month Mean
Total Cloud Cover Cold Month Mean
Planetary Albedo
Surface Albedo
Streamfunction at 250hPa
Perturbation Streamfunction at 250 hPa
Velocity Potential at 250hPa
Divergence at 250hPa
Divergence at 250hPa (smoothed)
Height at 500hPa
Perturbation Height at 500hPa
Meridional stream function
Ocean temperature at 5m Annual Mean Ocean temperature at 2116m
Ocean salinity at 5m Annual Mean Ocean salinity at 2116m
Ocean Currents at 5m Annual Mean Ocean currents at 2116m
Ocean Vertical Velocity at 10m Annual Mean Ocean Vertical Velocity at 2424m
Ocean Mixed Layer Depth Annual Mean Ocean Mass Streamfunction

Summary of Results: Anomalies for Experiments tcrpb-tcrpa1


DJF JJA ANN Monthly Variable
Temperature at 2m Spinup: Surface Air Temperature
Precipitation Spinup: Surface Air Temperature - seasonal mean removed
Evaporation Spinup: Deepest layer Soil Moisture
Precipitation-Evaporation Spinup: Deepest layer Soil Moisture - seasonal mean removed
Fractional plant moisture stress BIOME4
Mean sea level pressure BIOME4 with CO2 changes
Surface winds Warm Month Mean
Total Cloud Cover Cold Month Mean
Planetary Albedo
Surface Albedo
Streamfunction at 250hPa Fractional PFT coverage
Perturbation Streamfunction at 250 hPa
Velocity Potential at 250hPa
Divergence at 250hPa
Divergence at 250hPa (smoothed)
Height at 500hPa
Perturbation Height at 500hPa
Meridional stream function
Ocean temperature at 5m Annual Mean Ocean temperature at 2116m
Ocean salinity at 5m Annual Mean Ocean salinity at 2116m
Ocean Currents at 5m Annual Mean Ocean currents at 2116m
Ocean Vertical Velocity at 10m Annual Mean Ocean Vertical Velocity at 2424m
Ocean Mixed Layer Depth Annual Mean Ocean Mass Streamfunction

Last updated Mon Mar 23 04:55:52 GMT 2509 This page is maintained by